
Reddit Admins Want to Kill Off 3rd-Party Apps and Bots

Reddit Admins have recently made the decision to eliminate all 3rd-party apps, bots, and anything else that makes Reddit barely usable. This includes popular bots like QualityVote, SaveVideo, and AuddBot. As a result, users will have to deal with automod and a worse overall user experience for the time being. If you have any complaints, be sure to direct them at the Reddit admins, as they are the ones responsible for ruining everyone’s user experience.

DownloadVideo, SaveVideo, and VideoTrim Links

For those interested, here are some useful links for downloading and saving videos from Reddit:

Join the Public Discord Server

While you’re here, why not join our public Discord server? It now has public text channels where you can chat with other members. Join now and be a part of the community!

*Please note that this post was written by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators of this subreddit.*

The Perils of the Friendzone

Have you ever been friendzoned? It’s a situation that many people find themselves in, and it can be quite frustrating. One Reddit user, /u/Remi_07, recently shared their experience of being friendzoned and the lessons they learned from it.

The user advises that if you have feelings for someone, it’s important to make a move and not drag it out. They caution against being mistaken for just a couple of friends when you’re actually interested in pursuing a romantic relationship. The term “womanizer” is still used as a derogatory insult, highlighting the negative perception of men who show interest in multiple women.

The user also shares a personal anecdote about their girlfriend, who was initially oblivious to their feelings. It took some time for her to realize that the user liked her. This serves as a reminder that sometimes women can be unaware of someone’s romantic intentions.

So, if you find yourself in the friendzone, take this user’s advice and make your intentions clear. It’s better to be upfront and honest about your feelings rather than waiting for the other person to figure it out.

Remember, communication is key in any relationship, and it’s important to express your emotions openly and honestly.

Have you ever been friendzoned? Share your experiences in the comments below!

*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Reddit.*


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